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in-depth natal birth chart reading



When you were born, a celestial map uniquely designed for you — your 1st cosmic baby picture — was cast across the sky, & it holds the keys to decoding the blueprint of your soul journey, your astrological DNA.


Sessions imbue a sense of both inquiry & empathy as we engage raw however respectful discussion & meaningful exchange of ideas, stories, & insight of who you’ve both been & are -- & why. Whether we focus on specific life aspects or take a holistic approach, the intention is to confront & move beyond self-imposed limits, uncovering hidden talents, subconscious patterns & woundedness written in the chart. To grow more aware of your weaknesses, if for no reason than to nurture & nourish your strengths & notice the opportunities before you that can improve your relationships, understand your sexual needs/blockages, choose a fulfilling career, & discover your true Self. 


My interpretations & counsel is rooted in far more than your Sun sign. I’d never reduce your personality to just 1 archetype. In other words, I guide you through the Sun, of course, but also many other planets — + their corresponding signs, houses, & aspects — working either in harmony or friction amidst your cosmic makeup. With that, we also explore the axes that delineate your identity & direction in life, namely the Ascendant-Descendant & MC-IC. 


Together, we establish a deep connection that transcends the ordinary astrologer-client relationship.

synastry / compatibility reading



synastry readings are designed to explore, validate & confront the core dynamics of a relationship. i love looking at two beings from the raw vantage point of their natal charts & interpreting signature patterns, personality & purpose of a relationship. clarifying how each soul operates in a different or alike nature, we reveal how such tendencies both influence & impact the other. whether certain understandings are new or merely brought to surface, the goal is to approach how to work with them in a loving & effective way. in other words, as we identify ways to honor the values & needs of both, i ultimately offer guidance on how to appreciate the differences. no matter the  relationship, every compatibility analysis differs & thus, certain aspects are highlighted more than others.  


relationship can be defined as one that exists between you & a friend, colleague or employer, love interest or life partner, client or subordinate, family member or even an organization.

follow-up transit check-in



if & only if you've had an in-depth natal chart reading with me & feel called to expand the grasp of your astrology, a follow-up session where we look at your transits is key. together, we explore the state of events unfolding in your life & discuss potential themes that may unravel over the next 12mos. - recognizing windows of opportunity & identifying signs of crisis. in doing so, we identify the most advantageous timeframes for taking future steps.


armed with this sacred insight, you become your life's best expert in your capacity to strategize & stay fully grounded as the celestial choreography of life dances before your eyes. let us recalibrate, intimately examining the nuances of your current or upcoming transits - attuned to how they are influencing the brilliant tapestry of your unique natal chart. 

progressed chart reading



like transit check-ins, if & only if you've had an in-depth natal chart reading can we use a progressed chart reading to take a peak at how far the planets have moved from their natal chart spot & thus gives insight into the potential state/compass of one’s evolution. consider it just another device to map out the various stages—& all the people, situations & more that each stage entails—of life that a soul may have gone through, or is going through at present. in other words, your progressed chart does not indicate some sort of personality transformation or that planetary signs irreversibly transition after you reach a certain age. rather, it reflects a subtler, behind the scenes snapshot of who you are, & how you may link a significant movement in consciousness to potential experiences for the better.

karmic / evolutionary reading



karmic/evolutionary astrology is a practice that speaks to your soul's journey this lifetime around. a belief rooted in the concept of reincarnation, where your soul chooses to take physical form in order to evolve through the human experience, this consultation provides a lens into the karmic patterns & imprints inherited from both past lives & generations, shaping your current reality.


discover & break the cyciclic web of connections that bind us all together as you explore your family tree. through this reading, you may discover transgenerational traumas, secrets, & talents that, passed down, providing insight into your soul's journey.

what to know / how to prepare

get yourself comfortable in a quiet space where you feel safe to engage.

avoid the urge to take notes. it's far too much info to absorb, & you miss valuable insight if busy notetaking. you can always use recordings, follow-up manuscripts, transit check-ins, etc. to refresh your knowledge.

i do not & will not ever identify as a psychic. what i love most of this craft is how i can interpret the gamut of possible personality types, karmic signatures, ancestral wounds & generational conditioning, etc. i am purely here to offer intuitive insight & conscious guidance.

receptivity is key. i will never push you to open up about anything you find too triggering. however, the experience is highly conversational. as energy plays out differently for everyone, chart interpretation that inspires real healing requires astrologers ask the right questions.

sow it forward & watch fellow starseeds reap.

starseed certificates

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